The Jet Peel combines oxygen and saline, and creates a jet stream of micro-droplets. The Jet power reaches a velocity of up to 600 ft/sec, this powerful but, yet, gentle jet stream is used to exfoliate the skin's surface without causing irritation. Reaching a skin depth of up to 4.5 mm (3/16″). Jet Peel infusion can reach the dermal layer of the skin where the skin is cleansed, exfoliated, and infused with serums to stimulate collagen and elastin.
2. Function of handles
(1) Jet Peel
Jet peel treatments are highly effective in skin texture improvement, wrinkle reduction, removal of unwanted pigmentation and overall skin rejuvenation. It is also very useful with acne, blackheads and other come done eruptions as it quickly and effortlessly removes them without any pain or discomforts.
The equipment can be used for treatments most commonly performed on the face, neck and decollete areas, also other area as legs and abdomen where needs smoothing, deep cleansing and hydration such as the hands, feet, chest, back and even elbows.
(2) Hydermabrasion
It utilizes the natural healing powers of water and oxygen to effortlessly exfoliate the skin without the use of hard crystals or abrasive textured wands, generating deeply hydrated and healthier looking skin.
(3) Diamond microdermabrasion
Diamond microdermabrasion provides a Non-Surgical skin resurfacing procedure by using sterile diamond heads to peel and rub off the dead cells at the top skin layer followed by vacuuming/suction removing particles along with any dirt and dead skin. This procedure removes skin debris, scars, blemishes, wrinkles and uneven pigmentation of the skin.
(4) Spray gun
A hand held nozzle that works by utilizing a high velocity jet of water combined with oxygen. This completely natural combination of micro droplets of water is dispersed from the nozzle at high speed, striking against the skin and thereby removing any dead skin cells with little effort and absolutely no pain to the client, deeply exfoliating and rejuvenating the skin.
(5) Skin scrubber
Accompany with suitable emulsion or gel can eliminate pigmentation, wrinkle, acne, dead skin and dirt, making the skin shining and elastic.
Upon skin massage or import the essence.

3. Functions
(1) Rejuvenate sun damaged skin-face, neck, shoulders, back, arms and legs
(2) Reduce age spots
(3) Minimize of blotchy skin coloring
(4) Reduce acne and superficial scars from past injury
(5) Remove blackheads and white heads
(6) Reduce oily skin
(7) Improve overall skin health